Lessons Worth Re-Learning

This is my journey that the LORD Jesus Christ has taken me on in my life. So don't be surprised, this is a Christian site written by a Christian. Most of us have lived our Christian lives such that if we bloomed where we were planted, we'd be mushrooms in a cave! If you would like to subscribe to this blog, please send me an e-mail.

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Location: Farmington, New Mexico, United States

I am just like everyone else: I make it one day at a time with a little bit of humor. The Word of God is a fire in my heart that burns all the way down to my bones and I cannot hold it back. Jeremiah 20:9

Sunday, September 29, 2013

We have GOD's undivided attention

This was today's message from Charles Spurgeon's Morning and Evening'.  It really lifted me up and I know it will you too.  Enjoy.


"The Lord looketh from heaven; he beholdeth all the sons of men."
Psalm 33:13

Perhaps no figure of speech represents God in a more gracious light than when he is spoken of as stooping from his throne, and coming down from heaven to attend to the wants and to behold the woes of mankind. We love him, who, when Sodom and Gomorrah were full of iniquity, would not destroy those cities until he had made a personal visitation of them. We cannot help pouring out our heart in affection for our Lord who inclines his ear from the highest glory, and puts it to the lip of the dying sinner, whose failing heart longs after reconciliation. How can we but love him when we know that he numbers the very hairs of our heads, marks our path, and orders our ways? Specially is this great truth brought near to our heart, when we recollect how attentive he is, not merely to the temporal interests of his creatures, but to their spiritual concerns. Though leagues of distance lie between the finite creature and the infinite Creator, yet there are links uniting both. When a tear is wept by thee, think not that God doth not behold; for, "Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him." Thy sigh is able to move the heart of Jehovah; thy whisper can incline his ear unto thee; thy prayer can stay his hand; thy faith can move his arm. Think not that God sits on high taking no account of thee. Remember that however poor and needy thou art, yet the Lord thinketh upon thee. For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect towards him.

Oh! then repeat the truth that never tires;

No God is like the God my soul desires;

He at whose voice heaven trembles, even he,

Great as he is, knows how to stoop to me

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Word is Soooo Important

You have heard me talk before about my Scripture Snacks in one of my posts.   For those of you that don't know what I am talking about, they are spiral bound 3" x 5" index cards.  Everytime I read a scripture verse that really speaks to me and I feel like I would like quick access to, I write it on one of those index cards.   It's small enough to pop into my purse and dig out to thumb through when I want some devotional time no matter where I am.   The problem became just which one to carry, actually taking the time to dig it out and reading some.  Silly problems, right?   My purse was getting heavy again (what woman doesn't keep throwing things in there because "I might need this!" ?) and I just looked at all those things.  That's usually a sign that GOD is starting to say something.

Well, I have discovered another use for them that was maybe more practical in today's techno life.   I was finding out that over the years I had filled up several (5!) pads of scripture snacks.   So I started using the Notes app on my phone to write them down in folders.   However that had also become quite large. Hmmm . . .

I can't start my day without going to my Bible Verse app and reading random verses from the Bible that the app picks out.   Some are really touching and I can sense GOD's hand in picking them out.  I usually make notes of them.  I continue my Bible reading (I got stuck on Psalms 119 for awhile).   I try to read 2 chapters a day unless they are pretty large.  Sometimes I spend a day or two on the same one depending on what the Lord is speaking to me about.   Needless to say, GOD's word is very important to me.   I don't try to memorize Scriptures anymore (I have CRS and it frustrates me!).

Then I was looking at the wallpaper on my phone because I have a picture of our sugar gliders, Kandi and Tribble on there.   And it dawned on me that I can take a screenshot of my note for the day, and set it as my wallpaper on my home page really easy!  Now I can get a hug from GOD everytime I turn on my phone!

The Word of GOD, the Bible, is SOOOO important.   I really encourage you to read some of it everyday.  Psalms are very encouraging and so is John's gospel.  Those are good jumping off points. Read slowly.   This isn't time to flood yourself, you'll drown!  We all need a good, slow, thorough soak.   It sinks in and not so much rolls off.

In case you haven't been paying attention to world situations, Jesus is coming soon and there will come times of persecution.  We need to write His words on our hearts to carry us through and give us peace when our time is done.