The Word is Truth
It does not matter if you believe what is written in the Bible or not. It does not change it one bit. It is what it is. It's GOD's written Word, it's HIS testimony, it's HIS revelation of Himself to you. Your reaction to it merely reveals whether you believe He is telling the truth or telling a lie. Once you allow a tiny mustard seed of faith to take root in your spirit it will open up all the scriptures and sprout more faith into life eternal. If however you listen to any of the lies that satan whispers in your mind about the Word and entertain the thought that anything in the Bible is untrue, you have planted a seed of unbelief which will sprout into confusion due to the blinding of your eyes of understanding. This seed will sprout distrust and unbelief and eternal death.
Remember: Just ONE piece of pollution corrupts the whole thing.
Linda Rosenbaugh © 2019
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