Lessons Worth Re-Learning

This is my journey that the LORD Jesus Christ has taken me on in my life. So don't be surprised, this is a Christian site written by a Christian. Most of us have lived our Christian lives such that if we bloomed where we were planted, we'd be mushrooms in a cave! If you would like to subscribe to this blog, please send me an e-mail.

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Location: Farmington, New Mexico, United States

I am just like everyone else: I make it one day at a time with a little bit of humor. The Word of God is a fire in my heart that burns all the way down to my bones and I cannot hold it back. Jeremiah 20:9

Thursday, April 19, 2018

He's Coming!

Hello again.  I have taken a years sabbatical.  A lot has been going on and I needed the time off.  This morning I received a clear word from the LORD and I am sharing it with you.


     I was thinking about how the Holy Spirit moves now as compared to the late 60’s and 70’s.  I was born again in January, 1973.  Although I was raised Catholic, I had always wanted a Relationship with GOD, not a formula, or rituals, to accomplish that.  I felt so empty.  I loved reading the Bible, and in those pages I felt so much closer to Him than anywhere else.  When my husband and I started attending a small independent fellowship in 1972, I immediately felt Home.  People did such strange things.  They had some guitars and some drums and a little keyboard and sang songs that didn’t come from a hymnbook, but were written from the hearts of contemporary believers and songwriters.  The music flowed with the vocal worship of the congregation.  Fast, slow, slower still.  Until the music became like a river flowing in the forest, melodious, and peaceful.  Then the Spirit came.  You could feel Him.  It was like a cloud that descended and you could breath it in.  You could hardly stand.  Some people didn’t.  Some fell on their knees and some fell prostrate.  Some fell backwards, but they didn’t hurt themselves.  They looked unconscious except for this amazing look of peace and joy on their faces.  And then this most amazing worship began.  People sang, each their own song, in strange languages in flowing melodies.  It was loud and then quiet and then stronger and then fading out again.  And it all flowed together in a beautiful harmony.  It was like fishing in the ocean:  ebb and flow, ebb and flow.  The people worshipping the King from their most innermost beings in heavenly languages only the Spirit knew, because He was the author of it all.

     Then the pastor asked for anyone to come forward for prayer for healing or whatever they needed.  Colds were healed.  Flu was healed.  Cancers were healed.  Relationships were healed.  People got jobs, salvation, it didn’t matter what they needed, He provided.  EVERYONE RECEIVED SOMETHING!!!!  It took most of the service for all this, the pastor hasn’t even had a sermon yet!  As a matter of fact, I don’t recall what his sermons were specifically.  It was always simple, some scripture, and always explained that Jesus wanted a relationship with you and if you would just decide to give your life to Him, to be born again, He would come and live in your heart and lead you into all truth.

     I knew that I had come home.  I gave my life to Him and began a most supernatural journey.  It was hard to leave the building from those services.  The Spirit stayed through the whole time.  We all stayed because of the atmosphere of the Spirit and fellowshipped afterwards sometimes for hours.  The evening service started at 6 pm and we didn’t leave sometimes until 1 or 2 am.  Homeless people, drunks, and who knows what would come in for prayer.  I saw many people instantly sober.  We laid hands on them and they’d get healed.  I saw most of them had lice and fleas but we never got infected.  We prayed, we worshipped, and Jesus moved.  He was there.  And we didn’t want to leave.

     I’ve been thinking for a long time about how church services have changed in these modern times.  Most articles that I have read recently are highly critical of them.  I find myself agreeing with them.  There are coffee shops in the foyer where you can get a cup of coffee and a pastry to eat before the services or take it into the sanctuary with you.  The music and worship service is so loud and ‘in your face’ it’s like going to a rock concert where you are entertained instead of enveloped by the Spirit.  The Spirit doesn’t fall or come in the cloud like before.  You don’t feel anything.  Three or four songs and it’s time to move on to the next thing.  Services are scripted, everything comes in a particular order like a business meeting.  There are rarely altar calls for repentance or healing, or prayer.  There are people up front and you go to them for prayer.  It may be more personal but totally bypasses getting on your knees at an altar having a one-to-one with Jesus.  Indeed, there are no altars to go to!  And at the end, there is a stampede to leave, and you have done your duty for the week.

     But this morning in my private time with Him, GOD came and explained some things.  We need to get rid of our critical spirits. 

     Everything has certainly changed.  But everything is still the same.  There is a revival coming.  The youth are going to start it just like my generation brought that last revival.   They are questioning, wanting more, wanting a relationship with the King of kings.  The Holy Spirit speaks to the heart.  He speaks to hearts that are seeking and hearts that are open, and hearts that are submitted.  He speaks to the old, the young, and all the whosoever’s in between.  He is not limited to our likes and dislikes.  There is no generational gap with Him.  When we were young, we were slightly (maybe more) offensive to our elders, were we not?  Our music was radical in the 60’s and 70’s too.  This generation’s music will be one that they can relate to, not us old codgers.

     But know this, the Spirit of GOD is coming, speaking to willing hearts.  He is coming and it will be Glorious!  He knows how to speak to hearts that are open like new flowers in spring.  There has been and always will be a remnant that He can use for His Glory.  Sing ‘Hallelujah’ and ‘Holy, Holy, Holy is the LORD of Hosts’ and worship in the Spirit and truth.  Be joyful and wait on the LORD.  Drop your critical spirits and thank Him for His wisdom and His timing.  His message will never change, but He speaks all languages even if it is ‘modern’.  Rejoice!  
He’s coming!  ©