Lessons Worth Re-Learning

This is my journey that the LORD Jesus Christ has taken me on in my life. So don't be surprised, this is a Christian site written by a Christian. Most of us have lived our Christian lives such that if we bloomed where we were planted, we'd be mushrooms in a cave! If you would like to subscribe to this blog, please send me an e-mail.

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Location: Farmington, New Mexico, United States

I am just like everyone else: I make it one day at a time with a little bit of humor. The Word of God is a fire in my heart that burns all the way down to my bones and I cannot hold it back. Jeremiah 20:9

Saturday, April 28, 2007

April 28. 2007

I just want to take time to make a quick post to let everyone know that I have been tied up with work for the last several months. But when I returned and found your comments, it was a real blessing to me. God used you to defeat what Satan had been wispering in my ears! It truly is a body ministry! I will be back soon to continue posting.

Again, thank you so much for your words of encouragement! Linda